Friday 28 September 2012

A new addition to the Family!

There has been no awesomeness at Oxenham design since the desk finished! We've been cutting the paint stencils for the township on our Techno cnc. We are able to cut ten of these .080" at a time. The current bike lane stencils actually consist of 3 pcs each. Thats a lot of cardboard! We just got another order for 200 chevron stencils for the highways as well.

However, today the lack of awesomeness changed! Woo-hoo!

At around noon, a giant crate showed up to the loading door. I knew it was coming, but it was still pretty awesome! This crate was pretty huge, at around 4' cubed, it was a monster.

I bet you want to know what's inside.........................................
Are you still wondering??????? After our trip to New York to visit Techno cnc, 2101 Jericho Turnpike is my new favorite geographical location.

So back to the magical OSB box at the shop.....
It's our new addition to the family, a Techno cnc LC 3024 tabletop machine! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
The packing was amazing, I don't think anything shifted, even a millimeter.
This is going to be amazing for us. It will be so awesome to be able to run 2 machines now with the accuracy that we need, at the speeds we need. Our plan is to be able to physically show people, when we teach our techniques at various seminars, how user friendly, accurate and rigid these Techno machines really are. After looking the machine over for any damage that can occur when shipping something of this size and weight, it becomes even more apparent how well these machines are constructed. Not only are the materials top notch, the overall fit and finish leaves the competition in the dust! This thing is tank.
We had a delivery to make this afternoon, so I wasn't able to get it set up at all. But while we were out on the delivery, I picked up a heavy duty steel table with locking castors, so I will be able to move it around depending on the jobs were running.
I'm in cnc router heaven for a second time this year.
I want to thank everyone who helped handle all the shipping, freight and duties to bring this into the country.
From George, Roy and Sharon Etwaroo at Techno cnc
Bobbi Morison and Crista Nielson at Hitek Logistic Inc.
and Liz Barnes at BTX Logistics
You guys made all of this SOOOO smooth and easy, You guys rock

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