Friday 2 May 2014

First Plane Almost Done!

The first thing up today was routing the seat files I drew up late last night. These were extracted from the CG model supplied by the FX guys. I think I have to adjust it a little, but I'll deal with that in the morning tomorrow.

The dash cowl got machined while i worked away on the other odds and end. Jody contact cemented the final pieces, and we got them all assembled.

It certainly fit well! Although, I kept checking the files as it looks like it sits really high. But all the models and files seem to point to this exact thing as being spot on. One more crossed off the list!
The other part of the seat that will be clearly visible in camera is the 2 handle type things at the top of the seat. I assume they're "Holy Sh!t" handles for when the pilot has to eject!
Ours won't be nearly as durable as the real thing. These planes completely reinforce the 'film prop motto' : "if it lasts more than a day, it'll just be in the way" :)
The main body of the handles was quickly drawn up with some spacer rings, and a section of PVC pipe.
This fuel line hose will fit the bill perfectly for the handle portion.

I wrapped the hose in yellow vinyl, and fit it into the rings I cut. A little paint and aging, and this part will be great!
At least it's starting to look like a cockpit!
I couldn't help myself, so I had to jump in! You'll notice I'm wearing my sunglasses. This is for 2 reasons.
1) I'm super awesome, and 2) it keeps the bugs out of my eyes. At these supersonic speeds, a bug could be blinding! It does confirm that I will need to adjust the height on the seat though.
Just before we headed out for the night, I set up my cockpit rail bending jig for the sides of canopy glass that would meet the airframe. It took a lot of begging, but I finally got Lockheed Martin to send me their high tech jig for this. They swear this is how they do it! :)


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