The day started like most, with our awesome coffee lids! However, our fantastic coffee lady has changed her shifts, so our cool lids are not as frequent anymore :(
The bases for the gondola shelf units were made from 1/8" black pvc. We'll mask it off before paint so as they stay black. I drilled 3/8" holes into them, but only part way, this will effectively trap the rare earth magnet. No need to worry about them breaking loose.
Jody worked pretty quickly getting the shelving gondola's assembled and ready to paint.
This is the final configuration of the unit. Being that it was all made in separate pieces, it will allow for an endless configuration. The two models are of a generic liquor store, so there will be endless amounts of prints to wrap on these bad boys!
I had our Techno cnc cut the columns and entrance arch for the front of the store. 90% of all of these parts will get mitered corners, so we dont have to sand and fill the joints. Our mitering/ routering jig makes this extremely easy and accurate. It actually takes 1/2 the time to miter all the corners, rather than deal with a butt join.
I got the columns all scribed, and the glazing slid into it's tiny track, every piece gets multiple test fits before we commit them with the glue, and even then there are surprises!
The interior architectural details got finished as well. Instead of goofing around with tiny strips of crown molding, I cut a whole top cap of 1/4" styrene for the top of the window arches, and routed a small edge detail. This makes the view from above the roofless model clean and crisp. You'll notice the gap between the wall sections and the floor. This is to allow for the 1/16" thick metal plate inside the model, as well as the .025" styrene floor pad that will get glued to the metal.
I started to work on the canopy portion for the entrance way. The arches were cut on our Techno, and fit perfectly to the model. The cross bracing was cut from table saw strips out of 1/4" styrene.

Once the glue on the canopy frame set up, I clad the roof with .060" styrene. I used a couple of Evergreen strips to add some detail, avoiding a big boring surface. It's amazing what taking a few extra minutes here and there can do.
Great post, very informative
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